Saturday, May 26, 2007

peas, lettuce, spinach and radishes
a radish peeking out

Today the rapini and green beans are both poking through!! There are visible radishes, as you can see. I did another little thinning of spinach today. This will probably be the last time. I'll let the rest go for a while. I have a few broccoli that look like they might actually make it. I'm still going to buy a few more plants. We love fresh broccoli. DS will eat it right out of the garden. I forgot to get pics of the squash and cucs. The cucs look great. The squash, not so good. Luckily, summer squash is always easy to come by if mine don't take.
Due to our regrading around the house, the soil where the squash and cucs are planted is very compact below the first few inches. I really needed to add more topsoil, but I'd already spent so much on dirt, I couldn't buy more.
As you can see in some of the pics, I have a lame string "fence" around the garden. This is because when we first put the garden in, our dog,Riley, liked to hang out there. I couldn't convince her to stay out. The "fence" helped a little although I did spot a few paw prints in there the other day. I don't want to put a real fence around it because it will look bad and be a pain to work around. I'm hoping that once the garden has filled in a bit she will stay out and then I can take the string down. My next option is a few mouse traps, but I'm going to wait a bit.

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