Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I didn't make it

Well, once again, I have planted the rest of my garden before Memorial Day. I checked the weather, Farmers Almanac, and the Ohio Extension. They all said it was ok to plant after May 20th, which it is. This week the temps are staying in the upper 70's to mid 80's. More importantly, it's staying above 55 at night. I will supply pics soon. I still have a little more room, so I'm going to pick up some beets and onions as previously mentioned.
So, now the countdown 'til my first tomato. I can't wait. It looks as though I'll be getting some lettuce and spinach in the next week or so. I could pick baby spinach now, but I'm going to wait another couple days. I've been thinning DS radishes each day and giving the tops to a very happy bunny. (my Cappuccino) She appreciates that he planted the seeds too close together.

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