Saturday, June 30, 2007

Strawberry Iced Tea

Well, I still cannot provide pics of the garden. We have yet to replace the cord eaten by Cappuccino. This week dh gave our son a lesson in "How to wrap the cords the bunny ate in electrical tape so we don't die when we turn on the fan". Something every boy should know.
We did not make it to the farmers market, again. This time it was because we volunteered at the Angel Food distribution in our area.
My rapini is ready for picking, but I'm not really a fan of it. Cappuccino, on the other hand, really likes it. Maybe if I give her plenty of greens she'll stop eating cords. :)
I finally used up all the strawberries!! The last bit was mushed for strawberry iced tea. It's so good, you have to try it.
32 oz strong tea
1/4-1/2 c sugar (to taste)
2 c strawberries (frozen are ok, but thaw a bit)
Juice of a lemon (optional)
Add the sugar to the tea while it's still hot.(it really doesn't need much) Mash, process or blend strawberries. Strain. Mix the juice into the tea. Stir and drink with plenty of ice.
This is so yummy I may have to pick more berries so I can make it again. It was nice that I was able to use up the almost yucky berries. You know, the ones that don't look that appealing, but aren't really bad.
We had some scorching heat this week. It was in the lower 90's. I gave in and turned on the air conditioning. Only for 1 day, then it rained and cooled back down. I should have baked a batch of bread while it was cool, but I didn't. DH ordered a huge bowl for me to make my dough in. I can't wait until it's here.
DH and I watched "Inconvenient Truth" this week. It's the Al Gore, global warming warning. I watched it to see what all the buzz was. I fully intended to hate it. Unfortunately, I really liked it!! It was so interesting!! I'm really trying to step up my effort to be a better steward of the earth. It really isn't that hard. A little less driving, more efficient electricity usage...
My wonderful DH built me a second raised garden bed yesterday. It's a little smaller than the first, but should fit next years squash quite nicely. I'm planning to layer it this year with newspaper, compost and hay etc... I've read that this way I can avoid digging out the sod. I'll add soil in eventually. My worms are due to arrive this week. They are being shipped out on Monday. I'm a little concerned that with the holiday, they are going to be stuck in the post office until Thursday. Hopefully, they will be ok. The food that I've been putting aside for them is now a disgusting, smelly, moldy mass. So, I'll have to start fresh this week.

1 comment:

Mestre said...

Let us pray for the lives of those worms!