That's the sign that should be posted on me as soon as I enter a garden center. Yesterday, with a little time on my hands I popped into one of my favorite local shops. Nearly an hour later, I emerged with several unplanned purchases. I bought some broccoli plants, beet and lettuce seeds as planned. However, I couldn't resist not one, but 2 cilantro plants, cauliflower and brussel sprouts, which I've never grown before. I also bought basil and lavender. This doesn't sound too bad, but I had very little actual room left in the garden. Now I have less than none. I couldn't find a place for the lavender, so it's going into a container. The beets I planted in any area I could find to squeeze in a few. The lettuce I used to "mulch" around the tomatoes.
Speaking of the tomatoes, I think a few are sick. I picked off several spotted, nasty looking leaves today. After doing a little research, it's possible that they have a fungus. I've never dealt with a fungus before, so I may have to go to a garden center for some advice. I'll have to wait until DH can chaperon me, because obviously I can't be trusted. My "Speckled Roman" isn't looking too good. Kind of droopy. I really hope they all perk up. I'm counting on lots of tomatoes this year.
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